Recall that QB Rex Grossman showed up at training camp and a couple of days later said the Redskins would win the NFC East.
Sure thing, Rex. Some probably just thought he was slightly confused. The rest raised an eyebrow and shrugged off Grossman as just the latest entry in what’s becoming an NFL epidemic of players and coaches making predictions (thank you, Rex Ryan).
Not so for TE Chris Cooley, who told NFL Network on Thursday the 2-0 Redskins are a confident bunch behind closed doors.
“I thought that was the greatest thing he could have said,” Cooley said. “It’s a little outrageous for a player to say it, but as a teammate and as a friend, you fully support him. I was really proud with his confidence. We’re very confident in this building. You don’t always want to let it out as much as we have. You want to know your quarterback believes, you want to know everyone on your offense is full believer in what you’re doing. If you don’t go into a season expecting to win the division, the Super Bowl, then why are you at work? Why are you practicing? We’ve taken the believe we’re a good football team and we’re going to win games.”
There’s no blame to go around for being confident. But this type of thing works out much better when you’re winning. If they haven’t already, it’s a good bet Grossman’s shot-calling will make it to bulletin boards in New Jersey, Philly and Dallas.
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