Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Berrian’s Turkey Giveaway catches on

Tiffany ShinePublished: November 22nd, 2010 | | Tags: Bernard Berrian, Minnesota Vikings, Sabathani, Second Harvest, Will Smith

Will Smith (left) was among those who helped Vikings WR Bernard Berrian (right) at last year's Turkey Giveaway.

Turmoil surrounding the Vikings’ coaching situation aside, Thanksgiving week is big for Minnesota WR Bernard Berrian. Not just because of the great feast, but because Thanksgiving gives Berrian a perfect opportunity to give back during his third annual Turkey Giveaway this week in South Minneapolis.

Berrian told us that with the help of Second Harvest and Sabathani (a youth community center located in the heart of South Minneapolis), he is donating 500 turkeys to this year’s giveaway — 50 of which he will hand out personally. He is passionate about helping inner-city youth and their families. He believes that ensuring good nutrition is an important component of achieving in school and in life. Last year, celebrities such as Will Smith even joined in the giving.

Berrian’s favorite memories of Thanksgiving include “being surrounded by family, playing with my siblings, and stealing food from the kitchen table before dinner,” he laughed.

Berrian’s own personal Thanksgiving table usually included “collard greens, turkey, ham, black-eyed peas, potato salad, stuffing, mac ‘n cheese, turkey neck, sweet potato pie and banana pudding,” he said. His favorite? “Stuffing… hands down!”

If you’d like to join Berrian in helping provide meals for families this holiday season, go to

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