Friday, November 26, 2010

Mayock: Vikings should release Favre

Frank TadychPublished: November 23rd, 2010 | Tags: Brad Childress, Brett Favre, Joe Webb, Leslie Frazier, Mike Mayock, Minnesota Vikings, Tarvaris Jackson, Vic Carucci

Leslie Frazier left little doubt when he was introduced as the interim coach of the Vikings this week that Brett Favre is his guy.

Maybe he should have included the phrase ”for better or worse.”

While benching Favre is unfathomable for some, many on the outside are clamoring for the Vikings, at 3-7 and with little reasonable hope for the playoffs, to turn the page from No. 4. There was some reason to believe that process would be expedited with Frazier at the helm, but for now the Vikings’ plan doesn’t include an extended look at whether Tarvaris Jackson or Joe Webb are the future. senior columnist Vic Carucci has called out that it’s time for Favre to step aside, and NFL Network analyst Mike Mayock is also now on the record that it’s time for the Vikings to cut ties with Favre. Right now.

“At this point, you fired your coach,” Mayock said. “It would be a crime if you don’t find out in the remainder of the season whether or not either one of your backup quarterbacks can play.

“If I was there, I’d like to see a uniform situation within the organization where the owner, the new head coach and head of personnel Rick Spielman sit down and say, ‘It’s time to release Favre. We need to get a clean look at these two young quarterbacks, and find out if either of them is our quarterback of the future.’ If that’s the case, then you know what you have to do in the draft.”

Maybe the Vikings’ brass has already made up their collective minds on Jackson and Webb. A school of thought also exists that had Frazier been the one to bench Favre, he would have lost the credibility and respect that Brad Childress seemed to lack in a locker room that was pro-Favre.

Nevertheless, Mayock is the latest to make a compelling point that it’s in the Vikings’ best interest to move ahead. By no stretch of the imagination does this story feel like it’s over.

Posted in: NFL Network  

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