Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Jets CB Cromartie Lets Loose on Both Sides in CBA Dispute

Credit Jets cornerback Antonio Cromartie with a favorite word in the dictionary-”a-hole.”

Two weeks ago Cromartie used his favorite word to describe Pro Bowl quarterback and future Hall-of-Famer Tom Brady two wees ago. Now, according to Manish Mehta of the New York Daily News, Cromartie is sounding off on the NFL’s uncertain labor landscape. He is equally critical of the NFL and the players’ union.

“Honestly, I don’t give a damn if they get mad at me or not,” Cromartie said. “But it’s getting to the point where it’s getting ridiculous when everything is always dealing with money. You’re basically dealing with people’s livelihoods… You’re dealing with hundreds of thousands of other people in this workplace from the venues to everyone else. To me, you need to stop bitching about it. If you want to say that you want to get into a room and meet. Then, do it. Don’t just talk about it.”

“You got our head union rep acting like an a-hole,” Cromartie added. “They got their guys acting like a-holes. So they just need to get their sh– together and just get it done.”

Many observers agree with Cromartie’s characterization of the two sides.

View the original article here

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