Tuesday, September 20, 2011

VY impostor on the loose in D.C.

So get this: There’s a man actively trying to convince people he’s Eagles backup QB Vince Young.

Let that sink in for a moment.

NBC Washington reported Monday that Young is being impersonated by a man in the area, an extremely illegal activity that has authorities on the lookout.

“I heard that he has been taking money, taking pictures with little kids at hospitals,” Young said Monday. “It’s been real sick.”

According to the agency that represents Young, the fraud was collecting money for appearances as the quarterback and “conning unsuspecting women and some men into believing his scam.”

(Come on, ladies. Conned by a dude saying he’s Vince Young? He’s not even the starter! You’re better than that.)

Naturally, this is serious business for Young, who tweeted Monday that the impostor is a dangerous career criminal named Stephan Pittman.

“I want to get it out there to the news and everybody to keep a watch out for this guy,” Young said, “because he’s not me.”

If we were Young, we’d try to spin this unfortunate situation into a positive. Don’t like my pocket presence? It was the other guy. Think my work habits stink? Blame Faux-VY. Think it was dumb of me to call the Eagles a “Dream Team”? You’re talking to the wrong guy.

– Dan Hanzus

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