Monday, September 12, 2011

Update on Minnesota coach Jerry Kill

Many of you have asked for updates regarding the condition of Minnesota coach Jerry Kill, who had a seizure on the sideline late in Saturday's game against New Mexico State.

Brian and I will try to provide as many updates as possible until Kill returns to his duties, which we hope is soon!

According to a Minnesota news release sent Sunday, Kill is continuing to show signs of improvement and is resting comfortably at a local hospital. Minnesota team physician Dr. Pat Smith says all tests performed on Kill to this point have shown normal results. Further testing will continue, and Smith hasn't said when Kill could be released from the hospital.

Another update on Kill's status is expected Monday.

"Coach Kill is in good hands and is receiving the very best in medical care," Minnesota athletic director Joel Maturi said in a prepared statement. “Right now the reports we have received from our medical staff are positive and I am very pleased that he continues to show steady signs of improvement."

This is certainly good news after some scary moments Saturday. Here's wishing coach Kill a speedy recovery.

Assistant head coach Bill Miller and coordinators Matt Limegrover and Tracy Claeys are leading the team during Kill's absence.

View the original article here

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