Monday, November 1, 2010

Living For Christ

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Hello everyone!! I am writing this blog post in response to a wonderful night of fellowship and dinner at bible study on Wednesday. We have been journeying through 1 Corinthians this past few weeks on Sunday and have been focusing in on what God has designed for His church. And by His church, I do not mean the building, but the people who gather and journey together in their path towards Christ. This past week we have focused specifically on the topic of church accountability. In this broken and empty world we live in, following Christ can be a daunting task. We are surrounded by stress, distractions, and temptations that draw us away from the closeness of God. A life truly sold out for Him, should be challenging and uncomfortable, and full of difficult decisions Left to our own devices, we certainly have an impossible task in understanding and carrying out God's will to our fullest. At times, we need to rely on each other as be read more

October 22nd, 2010 at 05:13 pm / #christian #Church #sin

Had an interesting talk with a Christian brother of mine at a local pub with some of other of our buddies from our bible study (I was not drinking however). We had talked on many subjects relating to God and marriage, community, etc. One discussion that stuck with me was on predestination. It's one of John Calvin's main tenants and a topic that has been in debate in this Christian world for a long time. I hadn't really heard of some of the scriptural references of this idea until that night. My buddy brought up Romans 8-9, specifically in Romans 9. Calvinists take this passage and postulate that God decides whom is he wants to save and whom is will not be saved, that god predetermines our fate, negating our free will to chose his grace. I pondered the thought and can see where they might come to this conclusion based on the scripture's face value. But all scripture must stand up against its context and other parts of God's word as well.&n read more

October 12th, 2010 at 10:03 pm / #romans #scripture #calvin

Had a great today! Decided to volunteer at Lifesongs Radio for a couple of hours to help out during their fall shareathon, their semiannual fundraiser to raise money to continue their radio ministry. For those unaware, Lifesongs is New Orleans' Christian radio station. They broadcast great contemporary Christian music as well as Christian talk radio programs. It made me think more about what we have been journeying through as a church recently. We've been focusing on church unity this week. By that I don't just mean unity within our individual churches, but on a larger scale, the unity within the whole church of God. It felt good to come together with different believers who come from different Christian backgrounds to work for a cause that we all can agree on. God wants this from all of us, Christian and non- read more

October 7th, 2010 at 11:19 pm / #chrisitan church

Hello my friends!! I got my blog revamped and I'll be blogging more frequently. I enjoy the versatility of the web and connecting with people online. I am also working on a website that will post up my photos, music playlists, and other cool stuff. Hope all is well with you guys. Feel free to subscribe, comment, or link up with me twitter, facebook, etc. Love ya'll. read more

October 6th, 2010 at 01:51 pm

View the original article here

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