Friday, December 17, 2010

Choice: Fallout over autograph doesn’t make sense

Judging by the comments from NFL Nation following Tashard Choice’s autograph request of Michael Vick, the whole thing is NOT A BIG DEAL. That hasn’t exactly been the case in Dallas, where on Wednesday we found Choice defending himself and his competitiveness to a group of reporters.

Here’s the money quote from Choice:

“Am I more competitive if I would have tried to fight him after the game? What would you have said then? That we would have won the game? … OK, that’s what I’m saying. Sixty minutes from the beginning to the end, that’s all you play in a football game. When the game is over, it’s over. We bury loses. Like I’ve told people … there’s no fan, no coach, no person in the media who cares more about a game, winning or losing, that I’m playing in. I play. And I give everything I’ve got for 60 minutes. That’s it.”

Choice did have an interesting response when asked if players view games as life-or-death as some fans appear to. Cowboys fans, take note:

“It’s different how they take it,” Choice said. ”People hate the Eagles. We build up hate during the week. But we still know, period, those are our brothers on the other side when the game is over. We compete as hard as we can, try to win. I wouldn’t even be in the NFL if I didn’t compete. It’s crazy. It doesn’t make any sense to me. Somebody to come across that way, and you’re not even in the NFL, how are you even going to say that? It’s crazy.”

The whole story took on a bizarre twist, from the initial reaction to Choice apologizing on Twitter to saying the media blowup ruined the surprise for his 3-year-old nephew. Which, incidentally, makes one wonder how much said nephew is paying attention to the sports media … anyways, hopefully we won’t have to dedicate much more space on the issue, which seems to closely resemble a non-issue.

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