How are you going to prepare the team for the bowl game?
Lance Guidry: We're going to stay with what we've been doing offensively and defensively, and on special teams, keep practicing the same way just like Coach Haywood would want us to. It's going to be a business trip. The kids when they heard Coach Haywood was leaving were upset. Some were upset more than others, but it's my job to get the troops rallied and that's what we're going to do. We're going to play hard.
Will there be other changes to the coaching staff for the game?
LG: Everybody is staying intact for the game, which is good, and one reason I said I would take it. Coach (Bill) Elias and Coach Haywood are the only two going. Everybody that has a position is staying on, so things are rolling as if it would have if Coach was still here.
Why did you decide to take the interim coach job?
LG: I was recruiting down south and I was in Louisiana and they called me told me to get on a plane. I knew he applied for the job and was close to getting it. I figured "uh oh" he got it. When I got back, we had a meeting at 10 at night. It was 9:40 and I was talking on the phone with my wife, walking through the offices. When they heard my voice, the equipment manager said, "Guidry get in here." Athletic director Brad Bates and associate athletic director Jason Lener were in there with Coach Elias, Coach Haywood and (offensive coordinator) Morris Watts. They were all smiling. I'm like, "what's going on?" I didn't know what to expect. They said, "we want you to be to be the interim coach." I said, "don't do this to me." But then I asked, "OK who’s with me?" They said, "everybody’s is going to be with you. Do you want it?" I said, "Yeah, I'll take it." Brad said they thought I’d be the best guy being I'd be enthusiastic and get the kids out of a funk quick. I'm honored they want me to do it.
So what did you tell the team?
LG: When I got in front of them, I told them don't forget what got them here. It was hard work. Two years ago they were coming off a really bad season. Everything was new. All the early morning runs we had and all that, getting our butt kicked being 1-11 to where we are right now. I said whoever the head coach is, he needs a good football team. That's what they wanted to hear. I told them, "I'm jumping into this thing with two feet in. I'm not thinking about going to Pittsburgh. I have to coach the game. They believe in me, so I think we'll be OK.”
Do you want to be the head coach?
LG: I've got mixed feelings. I'm not going to go out there on a limb and do that. I haven’t told Brad that I’m interested. There are going to be a bunch of good applicants with this job. If they ask me to apply I would probably apply, but I’m not going to lobby for it.
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