Friday, December 17, 2010

Scaife: Titans ‘might be divided up’ over VY

There’s just no way I can get through our next blog topic without using it … schism.

There, now that it’s out of the way …

Bo Scaife said what a lot of us had already been thinking when he told Jim Wyatt of The Tennessean this week that the Titans locker room just might be divided over Vince Young.

“I know his teammates definitely want him here,” Scaife said Wednesday. “The more I think about that, I guess the locker room might be divided up. But I know all the guys on my side (offense), we all love VY.”

In other news, Jeff Fisher just had a few more hairs turn gray.

While Fisher recently told NFL Network that most of the Titans locker room disagreed with Young’s actions during the Week 11 postgame confrontation, there are also vocal supporters. Kenny Britt took a $5,000 fine for wearing a towel with “#10 VY” written on it during last week’s game, dedicating his season to Young.

Scaife added Young doesn’t feel welcome after being asked to leave the team’s facility the day after the incident, and suggested both coach and quarterback both know why Young hasn’t been back.

“I think Jeff has probably given that impression to him,” Scaife said. “That is between him and Coach Fish, and no one knows what is going on between them two. But if people knew the real story they might understand the situation a little better.

“… He is supposed to be the franchise quarterback, and he already feels like he didn’t have the support of the staff. So I am sure his feelings might have been hurt a little bit (about being asked to leave). But I am sure he knows why he hasn’t been here and Coach does, too.”

Unless your name is Bud Adams, many don’t believe Fisher and Young can’t co-exist in Tennessee. Among them is former Titans center Kevin Mawae, who also suggested to The Shutdown Corner Young lacks maturity and professionalism, two common criticisms of the fifth-year quarterback.

Scaife does admit some players have hard feelings about Young’s walkout. But it’s clear others don’t.

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