Saturday, December 18, 2010

Vikings Brett Favre Acts Like Another Guy With A White Beard

While many youngsters await the annual return of Santa Claus, Vikings quarterback Brett Favre and his “little helper” Deanna Favre made a heartwarming gesture to help celebrate the holiday season this December.

The Favre’s invited a number of families in need to Winter Park on December 14th for an early Christmas party, making sure they left the training facility weighed down by generous food baskets and many Christmas presents.

The Favre family also donated $60,000 to the Salvation Army.  The donation will be used to provide food baskets to 2,000 other families this year.

“God has blessed us in so many ways, so it’s in our nature to give back,” Brett Favre said.

“Brett and I didn’t have a lot growing up,” added Deanna Favre. “We always feel that we need to reach out to the community, to help give back to all the people who give us so much. We feel like The Salvation Army is the perfect way. They are an organization that takes care of families who are working and trying to make ends meet.”

While I have been openly critical of Favre on this site for years now, it is important to note that this is an extremely generous donation that couldn’t come at a better time.  The Twin Cities Salvation Army has received assistance requests from 1,000 more families than they did last year, but have seen a decrease in donations to the tune of $420,000.

If you are interested in following the Favres’ lead on this one, you can see details about donating to the Salvation Army by clicking here.

View the original article here

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