Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Cringe-worthy and Stomach Turning for Lions Fans

Matt Millen. Oh my sweet lord, is he not everywhere on my football television? Is nothing sacred? At long last sir, have you no shame?

There is obviously something about the man’s good nature that endears him to NFL owners and studio executives. To Lions fans, though, he is the devil. It may be hyperbole to blame Mr. Millen for all the Lions woes over the past decade, but he gets credit for most of them.

And yet, here he is on my television every weekend lecturing us about football. Even more galling is that his niche as a color commentator seems to focus on player talent evaluation. Really? Matt Millen knows player talent? Really? The guy who overruled his head coaches to draft Joey Harrington and Mike Williams is getting paid to talk about player talent? If I have to listen to MATT FREAKING MILLEN tell me one more time about how good this young wide receiver or that up-and-coming linebacker is going to be, I may have to go on a rampage.

Mr. Millen, although you had no experience running a football team, you felt comfortable taking over the reigns of a mediocre Lions franchise. During your tenure, you took them from the middle of the pack to the bottom of the barrel. You made them into a late night talk show punchline. Now you’re back behind the microphone acting like that never happened.

We remember, Matt. Here in Detroit, we will never forget.

View the original article here

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