Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Maybe Favre was really saying good-bye (again)

All things must come to an end, and Brett Favre’s postgame press conference Monday night might have been the moment when all of the factors surrounding the end of his career converged, signaling it is really over.

At one point during the 15-minute session, Favre was asked point-blank if he would ever play again.

“I won’t play again if I can’t feel my hand,” Favre said. “I think it would be foolish to even consider playing if you don’t have total feeling in five fingers.”

Favre said he will undergo further tests on Tuesday to examine his sprained SC joint, which he believes has contributed to the numbness in his right hand, a problem he said goes back several weeks to the game against Washington. Favre didn’t rule out playing again, but at no point did he even suggest he could return during the team’s final three games, either.

Ultimately, it will be Favre’s call. But the words he chose were filled with resignation to the fact he likely won’t play again.

“I’ve played through a lot of stuff,” Favre said. “I think this is something different that I’ve got to be more cautious of.

“Whether [the streak] ended today, in several weeks, end of last season, it’s been a great run. A great run. So, I’m very proud of it. You know, there’s nothing left to be … not that there was anything to prove anyway. I think it is a very difficult thing to do. I realize that more so now because it seems like I’ve been hurt a lot worse. I can’t believe that something like this hasn’t happened before. Pretty amazing. … I wouldn’t trade it for anything.”

Favre didn’t deliver a tearful, full-fledged eulogy over his 20-year career, but he gave the sense in talking about the end of his consecutive games streak he’s already in a place where he’s looking back.

“I’ve had several people in passing say, ‘You know, I hate for the streak to end like this.’ End like what? It’s been a great run. I will not hang my head one bit because it ended today. I think about, as a kid, goals, dreams … I far exceeded all those that I had. I never dreamed of playing 300-plus straight games. I just dreamed of playing in the NFL. It’s been pretty amazing.”

Yes, pretty amazing. With The Streak over and its place in history cemented, maybe for the first time, all over again, Favre was really saying he’s played his final NFL game. In many ways, he sounded like he’s already moved on.

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