Thursday, December 9, 2010

Ravens Coach Harbaugh Tells Fans – “Go Root For Another Team”

You had to expect that Ravens fans were not going to be happy this week following a tough defeat to the Steelers.

Sports talk radio has been flooded this week with fans who are still seething over another close defeat to the rival Steelers with playoff implications at stake. No show was immune, not even Head Coach John Harbaugh’s radio program last Tuesday night.

Some of the exchanges got heated and Harbaugh as usual defended his team. He also went one step further and delivered a message to anyone who still isn’t on board with the current regime of the Baltimore Ravens.

“I’m proud of this football team,” Harbaugh said. “I’m proud of our defense. I’m proud of our offense. We will fight our tails off to be the best team we can every single week.”

“If that’s not enough for you then go find another team to cheer for. If you’re not proud of this team then you don’t know football,” Harbaugh said.

I’d be interested to see what are readers think about these comments but let me add my own thoughts here.

Anyone who really follows this team is frustrated. I know I am. The expectations for this team for this season were elevated due to consecutive playoff runs and new additions to the offense. For some it was “Super Bowl or Bust” to be sure.

So far what we’ve seen is that the Ravens are a very good AFC team. They are 8-4 with a two game lead over the next contender for a playoff spot with four games to play. They have proven that they can play with and possibly beat any opponent in the NFL. But the team has had its struggles and last Sunday night’s game simply magnifies any doubts that fans have as to weather or not this is a championship club.

The offense has been a concern since the days this franchise began and while they have shown improvement under Cam Cameron the first two seasons, this season they are back to being a middle of the pack unit – even with more talent.

Something has to give. Is it the play-calling? Is it the coaching? Is it execution? Is it player personnel? It’s probably a bit of all these things but it’s clear something needs to change.

I don’t really take too much stock in what Harbaugh says. I was shocked that he admitted publicly that he felt the offense was subpar. It’s the first time I can remember that he’s shown that type of honesty with the media and the fans as to his feelings about his team.

He’s never really shown much regard for those that cover the team or the fan’s knowledge of the game he coaches anyway. In some respects he’s right to be testy and upset when most don’t really know what they’re talking about. But his behavior is also consistent with who he is – a bit smug and self-assured and at times treats people with less than the respect they might be due. Just ask anyone at WNST.

But you have to expect those questions and commments when you have a public radio show. Otherwise why do it if not for the some extra money.

It’s up to you coach. If you don’t want to hear it then do something to fix it. It may mean making some hard choices at the end of the season but it’s time for you to step up and lead.

View the original article here

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